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Case Study: Boosting Inventory and Delivery Management Processes with Custom Workflows

PaygOps Inventory Management Custom Workflow with One Acre Fund

How can PaygOps adapt to sell all kinds of products, on a loan basis, for all kinds of distributors? Get an in-depth illustration in our latest case study!

This time around, one of our partners in the agritech field entrusted us with the development of a fully customised solution to automate their inventory management, which also led us to incorporate home delivery for the first time ever into their operations.

We completed the mission via Custom Workflows, the cutting-edge software integration service to automate processes for last-mile organisations, allowing real-time exchange of data between PaygOps and third-party tools. This seamless integration is allowing the agritech provider to put in place a brand new and exciting operating model that is giving smallholder farmers the opportunity to access high-quality agritech inputs and services at their convenience, from multiple selling points, all year long, while helping the organisation become more and more efficient in doing so.

Download the document to get a thorough understanding of the challenges, solution, integration setup, process improvement, benefits, and more, on Custom Workflows for Inventory and Delivery Management.

PaygOps Inventory Management Custom Workflow with One Acre Fund Case Study Download

For more resources on Paygo Technologies for Agriculture, visit our dedicated page.

Revisit the PaygOps x One Acre Fund Series here.


About PaygOps

Solaris Offgrid’s flagship fintech software, PaygOps, enables credit to be provided to the bottom of the pyramid for essential products like solar home systems, agri-inputs, water pumps. The end customers pay incrementally via mobile money under a PAYGO model. PaygOps provides the software infrastructure to manage the contracts, payments and related communication for the local retailers of such products. Our affordable modular and interoperable solution connects energy and payment methods (Pay-as-you-go, mobile money) to a suite of enterprise applications that allows the smooth management of lease financing and field operations, while providing key financial data and metrics to investors.



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