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[WEBINAR] Custom Workflows

Automating Processes for LMDs to Scale

🚨 Calling all LMDs! A NEW PaygOps webinar recording is now available!

We understand the immense value that automation can bring to streamline the operations of LMDs at scale. In this opportunity, PaygOps Senior Software Integrations Specialist, Simon Schaffner, took the spotlight to demonstrate the full potential of PaygOps Custom Workflows and how these cutting-edge integrations can adapt to the needs of all kinds of last-mile distributors, building on PaygOps' flexibility to automate and streamline processes that can help organisations enhance their scale-up and reach new horizons.

UPDATE: Watch the recording NOW ⬇️

Custom Workflows is the cutting-edge software integration service from PaygOps to automate processes for last-mile organisations, allowing real-time exchange of data between PaygOps and virtually any other third-party app, thus enhancing flexibility and scalability across operations.

We also invite you to discover 🔎 the Custom Workflows that we put in place for renowned agritech provider One Acre Fund in this article and this video, so you can complement it with the illustrations provided in the webinar and have a thorough idea of what your business can achieve with the powerful automations provided by Custom Workflows.

Are you a last-mile distributor wanting to automate processes that can enhance scalability? With PaygOps Custom Workflows the possibilities are almost endless, so contact us to discover how to automate processes to get you ready for your scale-up with Custom Workflows!


About Solaris Offgrid

Solaris Offgrid supports distributors and manufacturers across all industries in over 35 countries through SolarisLab Product Design Services and flexible IT solutions. Solaris Offgrid’s flagship PaygOps platform is an interoperable B2B SaaS which connects energy and utility appliances (solar devices, water-pumps, cookstoves, smart metres, e-bikes) and payment methods (Pay-as-you-go and Mobile Money) within a suite of enterprise applications or API services, to allow distributors to smoothly manage their operations and tackle their challenges at the last mile, thus enabling them to provide affordable essential products and services to millions of people at the Bottom-of-the-Pyramid.

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