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Why are Paygo and Open-Source Technologies Key Drivers for SDG7?

During the latest GOGLA Global Off-Grid Solar Forum & Expo 2022 in Kigali, Rwanda, we asked our partners about their contributions to push the industry forward and ensure affordable and clean energy access for all.

👨🏽‍⚖️ The consensus: Paygo technology, supported by disruptive Open-Source innovations like the OpenPAYGO™ Token are key drivers for SDG7.

🔎 How so? Explore it in the video. 🔽

👏🏾 A big shout out to our contributors:

- Thomas Gottschalk, Founder and Managing Director, A2EI

- Thibault Lesueur, Co-founder and Chief Commercial Officer, Solaris Offgrid

- Vivien Barnier, Chief Executive Officer, EnAccess

If you want to further learn how A2EI is unlocking access to energy through the OpenPAYGO™ Token, click here.


About PaygOps

We empower suppliers of essential products and services with flexible, inclusive IT solutions that amplify their mission to serve the unbanked worldwide, even in the most remote areas. PaygOps seamlessly integrates with enterprise applications, payment systems (Mobile Money), and API services, enabling the smooth management of lease financing (for both Paygo and non-Paygo products) and operations across key sectors including solar, agriculture, clean cooking, access to water, e-mobility and microfinance. Designed for modularity and interoperability, PaygOps simplifies access to credit, streamlines distribution, and provides investors with critical financial data and insights.

About A2EI

The Access to Energy Institute (A2EI) is the first not-for-profit and collaborative research and development institute in the solar off-grid industry. It provides broad, reliable open-source data, as well as on-the-ground research and analysis of solar solutions, and software platforms to administer these. Additionally, A2EI develops and procures solar system and appliance prototypes and initiates pilot projects – aiming to provide widely scalable sustainable energy research and solutions as a common good. A2EI‘s focus is on productive use appliances for small businesses and smallholder farmers which will allow users to earn a stable income, generate jobs and create robust local economic networks. Simultaneously, we concentrate on solar solutions with a high potential to mitigate climate change, create a substantial added benefit for the environment, and improve peoples’ health.

About EnAccess

EnAccess supports Open Innovation in energy access by funding open source technology and promoting the adoption of open source materials. They believe that more Open Innovation in this sector can save developers time and money, create new markets & encourage interoperability, and create a higher quality of work.

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